Be the Observer
What message or advice would you give to yourself if you could be the observer of your existence? Well, start listening because you are, or can be this observer. And you have access to the wisdom of your own divine spirit. We all do.
You know what path to take and where you need support even if you don’t think you do. And you know what will align with your truth and what paths and possibilities are open to you. You are senior in your space. Therefore, you have the permission and ability to make the decisions that resonate with you.
So, why do we often try so hard to be when we already are? Often, we are trying to be someone or something that is not our truth. We may be trying to get somewhere or achieve some goal that again is not our truth. We believe we should be these ways because we may want to please someone else. Or we may want to check off a box from a list that didn’t come from our truth. If it did, we wouldn’t be questioning it.
When we step away from being fully present in each moment, we create a wobble in our field. This happens because the energy we are trying to align with is not our truth. This wobble disrupts our energy field and our ability to find neutrality and peace within. And thus it leads us on a journey of “who am I and where do I belong?”
Flow Naturally
What if we took away the need to have an answer on the other side of the equal sign? Or even took away the need to find x or y (or why). What if we became like a leaf and allowed ourselves to move and flow with the changes of the wind? Allowed ourselves to flow naturally the way our innate beings want to flow? X and Y don’t need to exist because you are not broken. You are not without existence, you are not without being known. You are.
There could be hundreds of why’s that are preventing us from really being in the moment. They may come from programming, trauma, belief systems, or society. Or they may come from our own self sabotage, judgments, fear, guilt, shame, and on and on and on. Regardless where they come from, you have a right to heal. Will you allow yourself to come into a centered place of peaceful strength and release what is not in alignment? Fully access your own divine wisdom because that is where you will find your greatest you. And that is where you will BE, fully present in the now. Thus allowing yourself to flow with the natural calling from your soul.
Wow, if we could see us, truly see our simple complexities, what magic would unfold?.
Next Steps
- Set the intention to open up full access to your own divine spirit with ease and grace.
- Acknowledge and accept where you feel a wobble in your field (extreme or numb emotions). No need to react, just notice.
- Find a peaceful space. It can be a meditation space or a walk in nature.
- Ask yourself questions about your truth. Listen to all of your bodies, the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and soul. Even if you don’t hear right away, you are providing a space for opening to your divine spirit.
- If you want to take it to the next level or are having a hard time connecting on your own, seek help. You may search for a spiritual or psychic center where you can learn tools and resources. They may help you open up to your energy bodies with much more ease and grace.
Try this affirmation or create your own. Place your hands on your heart and connect with your own divine being. Allow yourself to awaken to your truth and your brilliance.
I Awaken
Awaken to consciousness
Awaken my consciousness
Awaken my brilliance
Awaken to me
I Awaken
Awaken my sleeping heart
Awaken my shattered mind
Open my peaceful truth
Open to me