We can easily access intuitive guidance, certainty, ancient wisdom, and powerful intelligence, from within our own beings that can change our lives from dismal to blissful.
Many people come to me with concerns about being stuck, not knowing where they want to go, what they want to do, or even who they are. And how did they come to be here, in this dreary muck of uncertainty and helplessness?
There is a deep sense of sadness and disconnection from truth, power, and beauty. And it can be very challenging to figure out how to get unstuck or how to connect fully with true self. What does that feel like and look like? We’ve been in this state for so long, it may not even occur to some that there is a disconnection at all.
I find that many who come to me genuinely and profoundly want to connect with themselves more deeply and want to feel a sense of purpose, fulfillment and success in this life that they are currently wearily walking. I often hear the words “This is just life” or “I’m just getting old” or “maybe this is just part of who I am and I should accept it.” Many feel like they don’t know who they are or what feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are truly theirs.
While life has its ups and downs, places to get stuck and unstuck, changing bodies and minds due to age and challenges along the way, it has the signature, the DNA, the full potential for a thriving existence at ANY age. We don’t have to be stuck in a maze of confusion or disconnected from our passions and desires, trudging through life doing something just for the sake of doing it, not fully LIVING and therefore not thriving.
We can easily access intuitive guidance, certainty, ancient wisdom, and powerful intelligence, from within our own beings that can change our lives from dismal to blissful. There are steps we can take to reconnect and revive our frequency to optimal health and wellness for our unique existence. It may take time, small steps and layers to uncover our juicy greatness, but it is absolutely possible.
Come with me on a mini journey of exploration into your truth (don’t worry about how to do things, just intend it and allow your intuition to guide you):
∞ Set the intention to allow yourself to explore in whatever way will support your being based on what you would like to experience
∞ Wherever you are in this moment, stop and take a few deep breaths. Notice your breathing. Do your shoulders raise, does your belly expand, does your back hurt. Just notice.
∞ Look up and around at whatever is around you and allow your eyes to shift into spirit-truth eyes, relaxing your body as if in a slight meditative/trance-like state. Really look and really see what is around you. Allow all of your senses to soak in the universal beadlets of life experience and just be with this for a minute.
∞ Identify or jot down those things that stood out or resonated with you. Did anything reach you at a soul level? Write it down.
∞ Imagine for a moment a younger you. Allow whatever age you see to come forth and then connect with this part of yourself. What are you doing? How do you feel? What do you sound like? What are you wearing? Where are you? Just notice and be with this part of yourself, noticing how you feel in this state of observation.
∞ Ask this part of yourself what it would like, what it needs, and how it can help you step into, and connect with, your truth, highest potential and greatest possibilities. And just listen. It may come to you as an image, words, story/scene or a sense of knowing. However it comes, embrace it and allow it to sink into your cells as wisdom you can access at any time.
∞ If it feels safe, connect with this part of yourself in your heart center, sinking deep into this space and allowing your highest spirit to hold you and this younger you in a loving embrace. Allow your bodies (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, soul essence) to experience whatever is coming up. Be here for as long as needed.
∞ When you feel complete, give gratitude to yourself, your younger self, your highest spirit, and the wisdom, healing and guidance that came through.
We’ve spent many years getting ourselves into our current state. Coming back into our truth can take time. Give yourself the time and patience to explore your truth. Here are some resources to help you begin to connect more deeply with yourself:
- Your Hearts Desire by Sonia Choquette
- The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
- ‘Brainwave Tuner’ app on smart phones. Listen to the frequencies to help with focus, healing, meditation, and sleep.
- Meditation for Beginners: http://zenhabits.net/meditation-for-beginners-20-practical-tips-for-quieting-the-mind/Healings
Spiritual Healing
- Find a practitioner that can help you with the following: identifying and connecting with what you would like to experience in this life; deprograming, clearing cords/ attachments /etc…, releasing old belief systems; retrieving lost power and parts of self; reconnecting spirit with body, mind, and soul; healing past lives and family/genetic coding; and opening or re-opening neuro-pathways to your greatest possibilities.
Many blessings on your path!
~Katherine Ganev, The Urban Spirit Guide