Accessing your truth requires a loss of identity and a transfiguration of total soul alignment
If you feel there is something “off” or “not right” or “missing” and you want to find what lights your fire, shines your spirit, dances your soul essence and what you can do to bring your gifts into this world with ease and grace, abundance and support, love and joy, drive and passion, it is time to find out about and access your truth.
The Daily Grind
With the daily conditioning and programming that we consciously or unconsciously accept, absorb and allow to permeate the cells of our being, we become clouded in a soup of doubt, uncertainty and insecurity and walk around in a trance-like state, truth-less, life-less, living the life and the creation of someone else’s dreams, desires, and needs.
One could argue that this is truth and this is life, and it is, which is all fine (or not), but if we are not in alignment with what we desire, what we want and have a right to experience, then is it really a life or truth worth experiencing? It is our choice after all. It may be part of our life path and experience right now to move through and transform what is not our truth and to find what lights our fire, shines our spirit, dances our soul essence and brings our gifts into this world.
The Daily Grind Unwind
We have the ability to break through and transform the old patterns, programming and belief systems and to design and build the life we desire. Let’s set the foundation so that you can begin to access your truth and your wisdom to create the life you want.
5 Actions to Access your Truth.
While these actions can be done in order, they can also be done at any time and overlapped and modified to fit your style and what works best for you. It is your life after all and you can do what you feel like, gosh.
1. Observe
The first action is to begin to observe your thoughts and actions. Just notice how you act, feel, respond, think or inner monologue with yourself. Homework: Set the following, or a similar, intention: “I intend to notice my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies and how they receive, process, and react to my internal and external environments. I intend to practice this every day.”
This may take practice but over time you won’t be able to help but notice your reactions and you can start to become an active participant in the flow and movement of energy in your life. During the process of becoming an active observer, be gentle with yourself but also be completely and brutally honest. No one else is judging you but yourself. You have permission to stop judging yourself! Just stop it!
Over time, you will find light amusement with the process of being fully present with each moment and the simple and spirit-eyed smile will present itself, giving you the opportunity to effect change in your own field of energy and thus the unified energy field.
2. Transform
The second action is to take what you have observed and decide if it resonates with you. If not, make changes to how you feel, think and react that best supports what you want to experience. If what you are observing is not aligned with a space that brings you what you desire then choose to transform the energy into something you will enjoy, something you do want to experience.
Homework: Set the following, or a similar, intention: “I intend to transform, with ease and grace, the experiences that don’t resonate with me into energy that allows me to experience _____________ (fill in the blank with whatever you want, such as: Joy, Peace, Happiness, Abundance, transformation, laughter….).”
As soon as you observe and realize something does not resonate, choose to (1) let it be and just put it on a clipboard for later review, (2) see if it feels good to look at it from an internal heart space and be in amusement with it – this, in itself, will begin to transmute the energy, or (3) flip it to a different feeling, reaction or thought completely and see how it feels.
As you begin to play with this (practice, practice, practice) it becomes easier to shift your consciousness and effect change. As with #1, be gentle with yourself. This isn’t about beating yourself up if you can’t seem to shake a habit or pattern, it’s about recognizing where you can’t and setting the intention to move closer to being able to transform with ease and grace.
3. Intend
The third action is about taking what you have observed and worked to transform – the process of getting to Know Thyself – and identifying what you want to create, manifest and experience.
If you don’t know where you want to go or what you truly want then it doesn’t really matter which way you go or what you choose because you will end up somewhere and get something. Often times it becomes frightening to decide what it is we want, especially if we are responsible to ourselves for the outcome. We can all do some soul searching to identify what we truly want. I highly recommend the book “Your Heart’s Desire” by Sonia Choquette if you want an in depth look into your desires.
Homework: for now, set the following, or a similar, intention: “I intend to get clear on what I want to experience in this life.” Write down and become familiar with your intentions and modify as necessary, especially as you circle back to the Observe and Transform actions and get to know yourself even better.
Ask and be totally honest with yourself about what you want to experience in the following areas of your life: (1) Spiritual or Life Path, (2) Career, (3) Health & Wellness, (4) Family and (5) Relationships. Feel free to add other areas as desired.
For each of these areas, write down what you want to experience. Do it in the form of being open to possibilities so that you don’t restrict your options to what you think you should, or can only, have.
- Restricted: “I want to use my creativity to be a writer and write an amazing book that everyone loves”
- Open: “I want to bring my creative gifts into this world into a field where I can be of service doing something I love that will best serve all concerned, with abundance and support.”
Add stipulations to each area for things you won’t give up such as with ease and grace, with longevity, with abundance, with a healthy physical body, and so on and such. Remember this is your life, you can choose what is important to you. It doesn’t have to be the same as everyone else. What do YOU want?
Setting intentions is an art and can be challenging. I hold a free monthly Conscious Creation class to take people through this process. It can be very powerful in setting the wheels in motion to begin attracting what you desire.
4. Believe
The fourth action is a golden gem, an elixir of magic so potent that it can transform energy instantly. Our thoughts and beliefs are energy and create results based on where we focus that energy. If we believe we are not good enough or don’t deserve to be happy or we are poor or not smart enough, the mind/body can’t tell the difference if this is truth or fiction and it will process through our system as if this was the truth.
As you identify what you want to experience in this life, create mantras that support their creation. Identify where you don’t fully believe your mantra. If you set a mantra such as “I am healthy and vibrant” but you don’t truly believe it, start with something such as “I believe I can be healthy and vibrant.” This allows you to observe where you are with your beliefs and to start to modify and transform your thoughts to more supportive beliefs so that they become the truth.
Homework: Write one mantra for each intention area that you wrote from action #3 to support what you want to create such as “I am a creative being” or “Creativity flows through me with ease and grace.”
You will receive it when you believe it!
5. Receive
If you don’t believe, it becomes very difficult to receive. The fifth action is quite simple, be open to receiving. It is much more powerful if you have gone through the previous actions of observing, transforming, intending and most importantly believing.
Homework: set the following, or a similar, intention” “I intend to be open to receive healing, gifts, miracles, wisdom, guidance, support, and nourishment every day.” Add in whatever else you want to be open to receive.
If you are having a difficult time receiving, take this to the observing action to identify where in your body or mind you may be stuck? Not being able to receive or nourish your being may be an indication of stuck or stagnant energy. You can use the actions above to help identify and possibly clear it out or you may need some guidance with a healing of whatever kind resonates with you (energy healing, shamanic healing, medical intuition, reiki, acupuncture, martial arts, massage, ….) to help get the energy moving, flowing and eliminating to make room to receive.
Many blessings on your path!
~Kathy Ganev, Your Urban Spirit Guide