How do you clear energy from your space that is not yours or that is an old pattern that no longer serves? Use creativity and imagination.
Creativity and Imagination are the fuel that creates your path and your life in each moment. Using your imagination can help you (1) create and manifest your dreams, (2) change the outcome if you don’t like your current path, and (3) shift your consciousness so that you can respond/react in a way that supports your desires. For what you intend and believe you will see, as it is through your imagination that your reality exists. Without your imagination, how would you create, identify, or see?
Creativity exists in many forms such as writing, singing, speaking, drawing, playing or dancing. Doing any form of movement physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually engages from your creativity and imagination. Exercising your creativity and setting intentions through your imagination (creating in the mind) will allow you to identify and match the energy frequency that you desire, and thus attract that frequency.
If your desires and intentions are of a supportive or high frequency energy, so too will be what you create. If your desires and intentions are of an undesirable or low frequency energy, you will attract the same. If you have low frequency energy in your space that is not yours or that is an old pattern that you have not healed or released then you may be attracting what you do not desire even though your intentions are supportive.
So how do you clear energy from your space that is not yours or that are old patterns that no longer serve? You start with your intention. You can simply state “I intend to release what no longer serves, what does not belong in my space, and whatever old patterns or energies are preventing me from attracting what I desire.” Of course, it is important to know what you actually desire with clear boundaries. Set your intention for what you want by writing it down, imagining it completely, and stating it out loud and then set the intention to clear whatever is preventing you from achieving that.
many blessings,
~Kathy Ganev